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Table Of Contents  The TCP/IP Guide
 9  TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols, Services and Applications (OSI Layers 5, 6 and 7)
      9  TCP/IP Key Applications and Application Protocols
           9  TCP/IP File and Message Transfer Applications and Protocols (FTP, TFTP, Electronic Mail, USENET, HTTP/WWW, Gopher)
                9  Usenet (Network News) and the TCP/IP Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
                     9  TCP/IP Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

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NNTP Status Responses and Response Codes
(Page 3 of 3)

Common NNTP Reply Codes

Table 272 contains a list of some of the more common NNTP reply codes in numerical order, along with typical reply text from the standard, and additional descriptive information.

Table 272: NNTP Reply Codes

Reply Code

Reply Text



help text follows

Precedes response to HELP command.


(date and time)

Response to DATE command extension.


(debugging output)

Debugging information.


server ready - posting allowed

Sent by the server upon initiation of the session, if the client is allowed to post messages.


server ready - no posting allowed

Sent by the server upon initiation of the session, if the client is not allowed to post messages.


slave status noted

Response to the SLAVE command.


streaming is ok

Successful response to MODE STREAM command.


closing connection - goodbye!

Goodbye message sent in response to a QUIT message.


n f l s group selected

Successful response to the GROUP command, indicating the estimated number of messages in the group (“n”), first and last article numbers (“f” and “l”) and group name (“s”).


list of newsgroups follows (OR) information follows

Successful response to LIST command. The second form is for variations of LIST defined as NNTP command extensions.


tin-style index follows

Successful response to XINDEX command extension.


n <a> article retrieved - head and body follow

Successful response to the ARTICLE command, indicating the article number and message ID of the article.


n <a> article retrieved - head follows

Successful response to the HEAD command, indicating the article number and message ID of the article.


n <a> article retrieved - body follows

Successful response to the BODY command, indicating the article number and message ID of the article.


n <a> article retrieved - request text separately

Successful response to the STAT command, indicating the article number and message ID of the article.


overview information follows

Successful response to the XOVER command extension.


list of new articles by message-id follows

Successful response to the NEWNEWS command.


article transferred ok

Successful response to the IHAVE command, after article has been sent.


article transferred ok

Successful response to the TAKETHIS command.


article posted ok

Successful response to the POST command, after article has been posted.

250 or 281

authentication accepted

Successful authentication using the AUTHINFO command extension.


list of groups and descriptions follows

Positive response to the XGTITLE command extension.


binary data to follow

Successful response to the XTHREAD command extension.


send article to be transferred

Preliminary response to the IHAVE command.


send article to be posted

Preliminary response to the POST command.


more authentication information required

Preliminary response to the AUTHINFO command extension.


service discontinued

Session is being terminated, perhaps due to user request.


no such newsgroup

Invalid newsgroup name specified.


no newsgroup has been selected

Attempt to issue a command that refers to the current newsgroup before one has been selected using GROUP.


no current article has been selected

Attempt to issue a command that refers to the current article using the server's current article pointer, before the pointer has been set through article selection.


no next article in this group

Response to NEXT command when at last article of a newsgroup.


no previous article in this group

Possible response to LAST; I have no idea why the word “previous” is in there.


no such article number in this group

Command with invalid article number.


no such article found

Article not found; it may have been deleted.


article not wanted - do not send it

Negative response to IHAVE if server doesn't need the article.


transfer failed - try again later

Temporary failure of article transfer, retry.


article rejected - do not try again

Article refused for whatever reason.


already have it, please don't send it to me

Same as reply code 435, but for the CHECK command extension.


posting not allowed

POST command issued when posting is not allowed.


posting failed

POST command failed.


authorization required for this command

Response sent when server requires authentication but client has not yet authenticated.


authorization rejected

Failed authentication.


transfer permission denied

Response to CHECK if transfer is not allowed.


command not recognized

Bad command.


command syntax error

Bad syntax in command.


access restriction or permission denied

Permission denied; sent if the client has not properly authentication but the server requires it.


program fault - command not performed

General fatal error message.

Key Concept: Each command sent by the device acting as the client in an NNTP connection results in the server returning a reply. NNTP replies consist of a three-digit reply code and a string of descriptive text; they are modelled after those of SMTP, and in turn, FTP.


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